Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Writer Therapy

Ever had one of these days?

I've threatened to do this many times, but have never followed through.

Just using a lighter does not work. Plain old matches don't work either. The stack is too dense to get hot enough fast enough. I finally spread out some dryer lint across the top and that got it going really strong. Dryer lint is SUPER flammable. If you feel compelled to do this, you'll probably want to do it outside on a grill or something else non-flammable. You know, so you don't set your house on fire. :)

And now I smell like smoke, but I do feel better. :)

How do you vent your writerly frustrations?


  1. Woodstove and fireplace work great, too :)

  2. Plamena: I did. :)

    Mohamed: Great suggestions! ;)

  3. Instructions on how to burn a manuscript! Holy crud, this is great!

  4. MG: I like to help where I can. ;)

  5. LOL, how cathartic was that? ;)

    I'm sorry if I was instrumental in the series of events leading up to this conflagration. I've often thought of doing this, but I put mine in the recycling bin instead, lol.

  6. Tere: Can you really be considered instrumental if you're only pointing out what I already know but don't want to accept because I just don't want to revise the stupid thing anymore? Was that sentence long enough for you? ;) Don't worry. This has been coming for a while now.

    And you really should try a little ritual burning yourself sometime. It's very freeing and I've been in a really good mood all day, which I can only assume is a result of this act. :)

  7. Oh, goodness. I have felt like that, but no I've never done it!

  8. Hmm, I'm so there right now. I really want to quit editing but I also really want this story to see the light of day.

    Decisions, decisions...

  9. Angie: You might enjoy it... ;)

    Eric: It's so frustrating, isn't it? Good luck deciding! :)

  10. Holy crap you really did. Although, I may be joining you in this burning ritual after my betas get back to me.

  11. Awesome.

    I tend to shred my manuscripts, but this is an idea.
