Monday, April 5, 2010

Motivational...What? But it's Monday--And This Monday Sucks!

I'm back! Missed all of you. :)

I've been trying to come up with something inspirational to say but my brain is too distracted this morning. I've been dealing with CRAP all morning--literally. This last week while I was unplugged, we went to AZ to visit family, get the rest of our stuff we didn't have room for in the moving truck, and get our wandering dog, Terk. So, what's Terk's first present to me for driving 1000 miles to get him and another 1000 miles to bring his stinky butt home? I'm sure you can guess by now, so I won't go into the details, but he's a Great Dane and he was in an empty garage, so why not get it EVERYWHERE?

And somehow, our mop stayed in AZ, which up until now hasn't been a bad thing. Making the kids mop the kitchen floor on their hands and knees builds character. But Abby mopping the disgusting mess off the garage floor on her hands and knees only builds murderous thoughts. Ultimately, that would just lead to more mess, though...

So, anyway. Not feeling terribly motivated this morning. Actually, the negativity I'm radiating is epic--you know the kind where you want to spread the sunshine to everyone around you? It's been a fabulous morning. :-S I'll stop now and spare you any more of my special brand of "sunshine".

On a more postive note, thanks to everyone for your kind words about my first page on Friday. I tried to read and comment on a few others that were posted but Blogger and my phone hate each other and after Blogger ate my comment for the third time (same comment typed three times on a teeny tiny keypad), I gave up. So I will be going around and reading those today in between doing laundry and cleaning my kitchen so I have a nice clean slate to work with tomorrow. I got some awesomeness done over my "vacation", and I'm super anxious to start writing again and don't want any housework distractions. I'll fill you in on all the details of that tomorrow. I'm sure it'll just be more of me patting myself on the back, but it's outlining stuff, so it might be helpful to some of my fellow pantsers out there.

And to all my new followers, I've been slacking last few weeks, but I will be coming around to check out your blogs soon. I try to follow everyone who's following me, so if you're not new a follower (within the last month) and I'm not following you, let me know. And if you haven't set up your email for your Blogger profile, please do so. I'm trying to respond to comments that way and if your email isn't set up, I can't email you. :) And if you need more convincing of why this is a good idea, read this post.

For now, I will say, I hope you're all having a better Monday than me. If you need something motivational, be sure to check out these posts by Ali Cross.

And if you feel like griping about something in the comments, feel free. You know what they say--Misery LOVES company. :)


  1. I really hope your day gets better. I'm getting antsy with my revisions. I'm hoping to get two chapters done this week. My chapter 4 is kicking my butt.
    To a better day. :)

  2. Oh, Abby! I hope things get better quickly - sunshine and robins and tulips kind of better! :-)

  3. Sorry about the 'crappy' start to your day. I hope it gets better. I can't wait to hear about your outlining success.

  4. I hope your day starts looking up. I'm with Shannon- sunshine and robins and tulips would be lovely!

  5. I'm proud of myself because i forced the cleaning on this morning and now I'm sitting in a clean living room with my laptop ready to get my 2000 words in for today.

    Oh and right on to you about getting the kids to scrub that floor. Yeah it builds character.

  6. oh, crap.

    hehe..just had to say that.

    things can only get better, right??

  7. I feel "eck" today too. Hope we're both feeling better soon!

    ((hugs)) Nicole

  8. *hugs* Life is like that sometimes. Fortunately it always passes, but it can sure feel like it's taking its sweet time. >.<

  9. Ah Mondays... zero motivation here as well. I'm somewhere towards the end of chapter 4 and I don't feel like closing this chapter up just yet.

    Ah well. Tuesdays are always full of the typity-type. I'll let Monday win... this time.

  10. But you DID get some writing stuff done over Easter weekend, right?

    Better than I did, so that's motivational enough for me!

  11. Thanks for that Query Tracker net link, Abby - I bookmarked it. I hope your day gets better quick!

  12. Oh, no... that's awful. YUCKO!

    But you can use this in a novel! Think of the great scene with your protagonist on hands and knees, wiping it up! OK, maybe not so great.

    Hope your day gets better!

  13. I hate cleaning up doggy stuff :( That always makes me mad, too! I have to remind myself that sometimes it's not their fault, it's mine because I didn't take them out soon enough.

  14. Well poo :(

    I hope the rest of your week is better!

  15. Misery.

    Wishing you all lovely and sweet-smelling things for the rest of the week to keep your life in balance.

  16. You poor thing. But I'm glad things are going well with your outline!

  17. Welcome back Abby. I was away and unplugged last week, so I'm glad I didn't miss anything (other than your Friday post). I hope tomorrow is better for you, and the rest of the week is shiny bright. :D

    And I'm with you about the blogger non-replies. I've wasted time in the past only to find out my message ended up in cyberspace.

  18. Welcome back and look at it this way. At least Monday is over and it's bound to get better from here. :)

  19. I mopped today and also felt murderous. I think it's mopping in general. Glad you're back! Missed ya!

  20. Aw--that's terrible. But at least you have your dog back! And glad you are back on the blogosphere :)

  21. Welcome back, Abby. We've missed you! And um... apparently your dog did too... :o)

  22. Great Dane? Sized? Poop? *gags*
    I have poop issues to begin with, as in , it makes me yack. Ew! You have my complete combo platter of sympathies.

    I'm hoping that since I'm coming to this post on Tuesday, that you day today is much better.

    I'm new here, from Rebecca's (virgin novelist)...great blog.

